錢不是問題│問題是沒錢 困擾│怎麼吃都吃不胖 深怕別人不知道│我是文藝青年 惰性│世界上最強的力量 噢│我在人生的道路上迷失了 噯│我每天睡覺前都會思考嚴肅的命題 啊│我覺得我的靈魂整個爛掉了

Ho~Ho~Ho~~~ Th3 r3tUrN oF tHe DaRkNeSs

hey!!! yo!!!
long time no see!!!
how are u now???
(this is the most common greeting word, the prologue)

first...i wanna tell u all tat:
I got xu you li's signature and drawing!!!

hey hey...
i give him a drawing too hor...

hehe...i draw de leh~~

he take photo with my mom and sis

he's drawing Mei Mei...

got o not??
dun hv??
jealous leh~~~

If u r asking y im not in side the photo let me tell u in point form:
1. he went to Sing Hwa at school time
2. i'm good student, i'm studying at tat time
3. if i went there, all the ppl will take signature from me and not from him
(the third point is juz for kidding...)

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