錢不是問題│問題是沒錢 困擾│怎麼吃都吃不胖 深怕別人不知道│我是文藝青年 惰性│世界上最強的力量 噢│我在人生的道路上迷失了 噯│我每天睡覺前都會思考嚴肅的命題 啊│我覺得我的靈魂整個爛掉了


"I don't deserve you."
"I don't want to hurt you."

Don't say you don't deserve me
Whoever girl who say this to me
They found a better him
And I realize that I am the one who don't deserve them

Whenever they said they don't want to hurt me
The words hurt.

As I told myself before:
Never play fire, it hurts.

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