錢不是問題│問題是沒錢 困擾│怎麼吃都吃不胖 深怕別人不知道│我是文藝青年 惰性│世界上最強的力量 噢│我在人生的道路上迷失了 噯│我每天睡覺前都會思考嚴肅的命題 啊│我覺得我的靈魂整個爛掉了

Too Much

"I'm afraid of falling off once I lose something or someone that I can rely on."

That's why I rather not to keep too close with you.
Not to love too much even though I love.

I just can't take it when someone is leaving.
I'm afraid.
Cause I know you are never mine.

The Fox said to Little Prince:
"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."

It's the weight of heart I've put on you that makes you too hard to let go
So I have to
not to love too much

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